Tuesday, August 27, 2013

GEWNg2013: EDC Events Schedule

The Enterprise Development Centre of the Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria, has a lot planned for the Annual Global Entrepreneurship Week this year.

What is GEW and what does it have to do with Nigeria? We already explained that GEW is a week-long celebration carried out in over 140 countries around the world, to exalt and showcase innovation and creativity. As the Nigerian host of the global event, we are dedicated to ensuring the whole country celebrates and enjoys the week, by planning and coordinating several events and activities that celebrate the entrepreneurs in our midst and abroad.

As always, we launched the event with a Partners Forum consortium, held on July 26th, 2013, wherein stakeholders, sponsors and alumni members reflected on last year’s events and achievements, and brainstormed on how to plan 2013's events to make more impact than the previous years.

This year, we intend to hit the mark not only in Lagos, but in other areas in the country by planning programs for as many zones as possible. We have events earmarked for Abuja, as well as Port Harcourt, asides Lagos.
Are you an Entrepreneur? Join us in celebrating you by planning to attend our events this year! Do you know any other entrepreneurs? Then urge them to be part of this annual global phenomenon!
Mark your calendars from November 18 to 24, 2013 - view all our #GEWNg2013 events on the GEW Nigeria website, Register to attend at our Events on Facebook!
Start spreading the word! GEW is for you and me!
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