Thursday, September 19, 2013

SME Conference 2013: Countdown begins!

The 7th EDC Annual SME Conference is almost here, less than eight days to go!
MODELS, MARKET & MONEY - Positioning Your Organization.

The 3Ms in an SME:
Model – Your Business
Market – Your Target
Money - Your Facilitator

As an SME, you most likely have all the 3Ms, but is your organization maximizing all its resources? Is it achieving the goals you had in mind when you set it up? Are you making a difference in your economy? Are you leaving behind satisfied customers? Do you know that your business achieving national recognition is not the peak of your business?
Do you realize that as an SME owner, the economy as the nation depends partially on you? Do you realize the enormous responsibility you accepted when you started your SME?
With the right management and guidance, SMEs evolve into conglomerates, taking youths of the street, nurturing a sense of pride in her citizens, and cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship in the youth thereby ensuring that continuity is sustained.
The future of every nation depends on her youth, if her youth are gainfully employed; the nation is bound to keep growing in leaps and bounds. If the reverse is the case, the nation either loses a generation of manpower to other nations because people will migrate or the crime rate will increase drastically leaving the nation and her citizens barren in all ramifications.

 Germany was able to make a comeback because 70% of their economy depended and still depends on SMEs. In as much as the SMEs have empowered the nation they are also as a nation lending succor to other nations.
 Due to growth of SMEs in Germany, they are anxious to support growth and combat unemployment elsewhere in the euro zone. Berlin has laid out a scheme to grant Spanish small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) aid of roughly €1 billion. This scheme is to make it easier for companies to get credit in other countries across the currency area's crisis-stricken southern half. The measure was part of an overall strategy to promote growth and employment, especially for young people, in the countries which have been bailed out in Europe's debt crisis.
At present, as at January, 2013, employment rate in Nigeria stood at 23.1% the highest the nation has in a long while. Considering that the education standard is dropping and the rapid population growth witnessed, so many youth are thrown into the labor market unprepared for anything, mainly because they go through schools not knowing what they want to achieve in life. When they ‘graduate’ they realize life is not a bed of roses, some are lucky, they discover their talents in this phase of their lives some aren’t so lucky. Those who are lucky, may have the access to funds or opportunity to equip themselves in realizing their goals some may not have these resource but, if there is a mentor they can pattern their lives after, growth and actualization of dreams become a reality.
In summary, EDC having seen all these challenges in the nation have taken it upon itself to do as much as they can in resolving this abnormality, and this has given rise to the 7th EDC Annual SME Conference, it would do you well, whether you just started, or already in the process or stuck in between due to lack of mentorship, funds, direction etc to make yourself available at this conference so as a body we can build the nation we all envision!

So, see you next week Wednesday at Sheraton Hotels, Ikeja.  9am prompt! 
Still not registered yet? Find the details below:
DATE: September 25, 2013
VENUE: Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

FEES: Default [NGN20,000.00], EDC Business Network Member [NGN15,000.00]

Account Name: PAU-Enterprise Development Centre
Bank: Diamond Bank

Account Number: 0006083008

Save your space now! Don't be told about it!

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